Early Childhood Education - Curriculum Overview

Pre-Kindergarten (K4)
The primary goal of Yorktown Christian Academy's pre-kindergarten program is to prepare children to be successful elementary students by training them to work independently and productively, to communicate effectively and interact properly with both peers and adults, and to manage basic life skills in an age-appropriate manner.

Preschool students are introduced to and instructed in Bible, pre-reading and pre-math concepts and skills using ACSI and A Beka curriculums, science, and social studies as well as given ample opportunity to develop fine motor skills. All students attend a music, art and computer class once a week. Students also participate in a Physical Education class daily.

Kindergarten (K5)
The kindergarten program provides instruction in the subjects of Bible, phonics, math, handwriting, science and social studies using ACSI and A Beka curriculums. Children are taught to read words, sentences and stories at their own individual developmental rate. Manuscript handwriting is introduced. The use of manipulatives is encouraged for the child to discover new concepts in reading and math or to reinforce material taught. Students memorize Bible verses related to the letters of the alphabet A-Z and attend chapel once a week. All students attend a music, art and computer class once a week. Students also participate in a Physical Education class daily.