YCA Family

Yorktown Christian Academy partners with each student family to create an extended family that has world-wide impact. The extended family at YCA involves long-time local residents, military families, newcomers to South Texas, grandparents, and family members living across the United States and around the world.

But it all comes down to your child! Your child will be educated and nurtured each day by teachers and staff who have been called by God to this special ministry, not for money nor fame, but to glorify God and contribute to raising Godly kids.

Everything at Yorktown Christian Academy, all classroom activities, special events, administrative actions, discipline, hugging the hurting child ... everything ... is focused on educating and raising up godly kids in a nurturing atmosphere who will become tomorrow's leaders.

As you review this website we want you to hear and feel through these pages the sense of family that exists in the day-by-day relationships among the parents, teachers, and students that make up the YCA Family.

If there is something you need that you cannot find here, let us hear from you.

Quotes from Parent Emails

We truly appreciate the good work you are doing and believe there is no better place for our child. We are sooooo glad and appreciative about the training, quality and values she receives from attending YCA. YCA has two major benefits: What she learns and what she does NOT learn. So much of the public school is what is being taught to your child OUTSIDE the classroom, identity, friendships, value systems, etc...