Parent Resources
YCA Handbooks & Other Publications
Parent/Student Handbook
2024-2025 Parent/Student Handbook
The Parent/Student Handbook provides important information to parents and to students regarding YCA, finances, practical administrative issues, parent involvement, lunches, academic information, discipline, dress code, and contact information. While much of this information is available on the website, this handbook puts it all in one place for the convenience of parents and students.
Annual School Calendar
2024-2025 Annual School Calendar
Overview of the 2024-2025 school year listing holidays and breaks.
For a month-by-month calendar of activities, log into your FACTS Family Portal account.
Supply Lists
2024-2025 School Supply List. Don't forget to include the art supplies.
(Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader, a free download available here.)
Do you want to avoid shopping hassles? No crowds! No traffic! No guesswork! You can order a school supply pack online.
Click here to order supplies online.
Caution: Please consult the supply list for those items that are NOT included in the supply packs.

Food Service Volunteers
Any volunteer who works with unpackaged food, food equipment, or food contact surfaces is required to have a Texas Food Handler Permit. If you are working with school lunches or other activities involving food, you are required by the state to have the food handler permit.
Click here to take the course for $10, sending a copy of your completed certificate to Cheree Vasquez. It is important that we stay in compliance with our state health laws.
Most downloadable documents on this site are in a pdf format and require Adobe Reader or an equivalent software. You can download the latest version of the free Adobe Reader by clicking on the icon below. If there is a resource you would like to see available on this page, let us know.
Teacher and Staff Email Check
- Using any browser, go to:
- Put in your email password.
Yorktown Volunteers
Since 1994, our school has relied on faithful volunteers to make a difference in the lives of all those who are involved in this ministry. From board members, administration, faculty/staff, students and families, volunteers have positively affected thousands of lives over the years. In short, we are who we are because of the time and talent committed to YCA by so many volunteers.
Volunteers have an opportunity to shape our school with the special talents that God has placed in them. There are hundreds of opportunities to volunteer both on campus and off campus. We are blessed to have such great volunteers. We hope you will join our volunteer team!
Each family is expected to complete 15 hours of service to YCA. Service time can be recorded through the Family Portal. (We want all of our families to be involved in the school.