Yorktown Volunteers

Since 1994, our school has relied on faithful volunteers to make a difference in the lives of all those who are involved in this ministry. From board members, administration, faculty/staff, students and families, volunteers have positively affected thousands of lives over the years. In short, we are who we are because of the time and talent committed to YCA by so many volunteers.

Volunteers have an opportunity to shape our school with the special talents that God has placed in them. There are hundreds of opportunities to volunteer both on campus and off campus. We are blessed to have such great volunteers. We hope you will join our volunteer team!

Each family is expected to complete 15 hours of service to YCA. Service time can be recorded through the Family Portal. (We want all of our families to be involved in the school.)  


Youth Protection Training - This training is valuable for all our parents who participate in school activities, and is required by state law for participation in youth camps. Go to my.scouting.org, create an account, and complete the online training. A copy of your completion certificate needs to be printed and returned to the school office. An adult must be recertified in this Youth Protection Training every two years.